Multiple scenarios & metrics per each

So, the better approach to this issue is to take advantage of a few of k6 features:

  1. The metrics generated by each scenario are automatically tagged with a scenario: <scenario-name> tag, without you having to specify anything: Advanced Examples).
  2. k6 can have sub-metrics based on tags; unfortunately, this currently happens only when there’s a threshold defined on the sub-metric (Thresholds), so we have to define some bogus thresholds, but we plan to improve the situation in the next few k6 versions (Add explicit tracking and ignoring of metrics and sub-metrics · Issue #1321 · grafana/k6 · GitHub).
  3. The end-of-test summary shows the submetric values by default.

Combining these facts, we can have a much nicer script like this:

import http from 'k6/http';
import { check, sleep } from 'k6';

export let options = {
    scenarios: {
        GET_1506_Bookings: {
            executor: 'constant-vus',
            vus: 10,
            duration: '30s',
            gracefulStop: '20s',
            exec: 'liveResSearchGetBookings',
            env: { DATE_SEARCH: '2020-10-29' },
        GET_603_Bookings: {
            executor: 'constant-vus',
            vus: 30,
            duration: '30s',
            gracefulStop: '20s',
            exec: 'liveResSearchGetBookings',
            env: { DATE_SEARCH: '2020-11-25' },
        GET_83_Bookings: {
            executor: 'constant-vus',
            vus: 60,
            duration: '30s',
            gracefulStop: '20s',
            exec: 'liveResSearchGetBookings',
            env: { DATE_SEARCH: '2020-05-20' },
    // So we get count in the summary, to demonstrate different metrics are different
    summaryTrendStats: ['avg', 'min', 'med', 'max', 'p(90)', 'p(95)', 'p(99)', 'count'],
    thresholds: {
        // Intentionally empty. We'll programatically define our bogus
        // thresholds (to generate the sub-metrics) below. In your real-world
        // load test, you can add any real threshoulds you want here.

for (let key in options.scenarios) {
    // Each scenario automaticall tags the metrics it generates with its own name
    let thresholdName = `http_req_duration{scenario:${key}}`;
    // Check to prevent us from overwriting a threshold that already exists
    if (!options.thresholds[thresholdName]) {
        options.thresholds[thresholdName] = [];
    // 'max>=0' is a bogus condition that will always be fulfilled

export function liveResSearchGetBookings(data) {
    const options = { headers: { Authorization: `Bearer foobar` } };
    let hostUrl = ''
    let searchUrl = `/api/v1/events/search?page=1&pageSize=100&arrivalMin=${__ENV.DATE_SEARCH}`
    let theCall = http.get(hostUrl + searchUrl, options);
    check(theCall, {
        'status is 200': (r) => r.status === 200

    // Constant sleep() is usually not ideal, though arribal-rate executors
    // might be even better than constant-vus.
    sleep(1 + Math.random()); // sleep between 1s and 2s

this will result in a summary like this:

running (31.9s), 000/100 VUs, 1772 complete and 0 interrupted iterations
GET_1506_Bookings ✓ [======================================] 10 VUs  30s
GET_603_Bookings  ✓ [======================================] 30 VUs  30s
GET_83_Bookings   ✓ [======================================] 60 VUs  30s

     ✓ status is 200

     checks.............................: 100.00% ✓ 1772  ✗ 0    
     data_received......................: 1.8 MB  57 kB/s
     data_sent..........................: 217 kB  6.8 kB/s
     http_req_blocked...................: avg=58.34ms  min=1.8µs    med=2.56µs   max=1.48s    p(90)=4.83µs   p(95)=755.54ms p(99)=1.4s     count=1772
     http_req_connecting................: avg=15.64ms  min=0s       med=0s       max=517.29ms p(90)=0s       p(95)=228.04ms p(99)=430.51ms count=1772
     http_req_duration..................: avg=184.79ms min=132.73ms med=138.22ms max=1.88s    p(90)=364.67ms p(95)=441.73ms p(99)=468.98ms count=1772
     ✓ { scenario:GET_1506_Bookings }...: avg=184.14ms min=134ms    med=139.18ms max=484.23ms p(90)=370.54ms p(95)=453.01ms p(99)=469.81ms count=171 
     ✓ { scenario:GET_603_Bookings }....: avg=158.44ms min=133.63ms med=137.44ms max=1.72s    p(90)=147.4ms  p(95)=299.66ms p(99)=463.83ms count=540 
     ✓ { scenario:GET_83_Bookings }.....: avg=198.31ms min=132.73ms med=138.61ms max=1.88s    p(90)=392.43ms p(95)=452.25ms p(99)=470.7ms  count=1061
     http_req_receiving.................: avg=3.2ms    min=38.2µs   med=244.76µs max=1.43s    p(90)=416.17µs p(95)=507.14µs p(99)=1.15ms   count=1772
     http_req_sending...................: avg=75.6µs   min=27.77µs  med=69.88µs  max=1.08ms   p(90)=108.13µs p(95)=121.69µs p(99)=186.6µs  count=1772
     http_req_tls_handshaking...........: avg=41.76ms  min=0s       med=0s       max=1.23s    p(90)=0s       p(95)=509.12ms p(99)=1.15s    count=1772
     http_req_waiting...................: avg=181.51ms min=132.37ms med=137.83ms max=1.05s    p(90)=363.66ms p(95)=441.54ms p(99)=467.49ms count=1772
     http_reqs..........................: 1772    55.514138/s
     iteration_duration.................: avg=1.73s    min=1.13s    med=1.7s     max=3.79s    p(90)=2.12s    p(95)=2.36s    p(99)=3.19s    count=1772
     iterations.........................: 1772    55.514138/s
     vus................................: 38      min=38  max=100
     vus_max............................: 100     min=100 max=100

For more details, read the advanced examples in the scenarios docs and my previous forum responses to similar questions: Ignore http calls made in Setup or Teardown in results? - #2 by nedyalko and Separate metrics summary for each request in default function - #2 by nedyalko

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