Trying to setup an alert for Grafana Cloud billing, “Total additional usage” and thing is I can’t choose the start of this month relatively, like in “this month” in the dashboard itself.
Any way maybe to overcome this or accomplish in a different matter? Thanks.
Alert rules cannot be set for relative time such as from: now/M , to: now
(“This month so far”). However all the metrics that make up the “Total additional usage” query (grafanacloud_org_metrics_overage + grafanacloud_org_logs_overage + grafanacloud_org_traces_overage + grafanacloud_org_grafana_overage
) in the Grafana Cloud Billing/Usage dashboard already calculate an output based on the 95th percentile of this month so far which comes from the datasource grafanacloud-usage that’s part of your Grafana.
Therefore the output of the “Total additional usage” query from that data source, set to the shortest interval of the last 5 minutes (from: now-5m to: now
) will suffice to always give you the output for those projected $ overages for the month so far. The alert rule will then check the threshold that you set against that consistent monthly calculation.
In short, set the time interval to the 5 minutes and it will work.
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