Alerting - no data

Its a useful troubleshooting method all the same - if the query isn’t correct in the browser, it wont be correct on the server for Alerts either.

Yes of course. But in this case he has showed that it works in the browser. See beginning of topic.

You are correct - I just wanted to see the calls to ES and how to was grouping. I was able to duplicate the response on my system, and was able to get it to work by specifying a limit to the “Group By” clause.

@krolikrojer Try changing your Group By clause - click the Min Doc Count:1 - on the drop down menu, change it to ‘Top’ 10. See if that works for you (it did for me).

That isn’t necessarily a solution, but would confirm that the Alerting engine might have some limitation on the aggregations.

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I started with this:
and same result:

Changed to this:

and Alerting magic!:

@davewaters thnx! it’s works. i enter the size by top 100 and alerting is work fine. Greate!

sorry, can;t write answer by limitation from site (only 20 messages can reply for 24 hours)

Thanks for your effort tracking this down. Seems like a bug then in terms aggregation. Will investigate and create bug report.

@krolikrojer I don’t understand how you managed to create your initial query where the group by only says “Min Doc Count: 1, Order by: Term value (desc)”. Did you have a legacy query of some sort?

Would be interesting to see the panel json of your panel. You should be able to get a hold of the old one in dashboard settings -> versions -> restore old version.

Have not been able to reproduce this.


I created an account just want to say THANK YOU, you made my day from nightmares!

Most likely it is a bug, is it going to be fixed in the future?

Is there already a bug report? I have the same problem and for me it is very nice to define “no limit” in the number of series.

Hi, the bug is filed here:

I have a problem with alerting of Grafana help please

Recheck ver. no. of ES in datasources. Version mismatch causes alert rule to return no data.