I have operating system Debian. My grafana is working on port 3000 by default. Is it possible to change this port from 3000 to 443???
Thank you.
I have operating system Debian. My grafana is working on port 3000 by default. Is it possible to change this port from 3000 to 443???
Thank you.
It’s possible, but not the best practice, better you put httpd or nginx in front of grafana and config the reverse-proxy.
I tried to follow the instruction for HAProxy, but it doesn’t work …
I have HAProxy set up, which does forwarding based on subdomains and SSL offloading.
I added the domain record do the grafana.ini
My HAProxy grafana backend looks like this:
backend grafana
#http-request replace-header Host ^(.*?)(:[0-9]+)?$ \1:3000
#http-request redirect scheme https if !{ ssl_fc }
http-request set-path %[path,regsub(^/grafana/?,/)]
server grafana check ssl verify none
it looks like whether the snippet here Run Grafana behind a reverse proxy | Grafana Labs is for editing the path behind the domain, which is not what I want.
I tried this: rewrite - I need to configure haproxy with multiple ssl ports - Server Fault ,
but I wasn’t sure whether this belongs into the backend at all…
I added ssl verify none
again, because my grafana instance is only accessible via https.
Sorry … I am not an expert …
Any ideas?
You don’t need to check ssl to the backend, because grafana just use http.