Grafana UI and Dashboards is displaying a basic version

Hi, The UI is very basic and docent resemble the UI I am seeing in the support notes. Has this error been encountered ?

Linux version 5.2.0-050200rc6-generic (kernel@gloin) (gcc version 8.3.0 (Ubuntu 8.3.0-14ubuntu1)) #201906222033


Logs do not contain any errors

Datasource to Prometheus is working.

Node Exporter and Prometheus servers operational.


  1. How did you install Grafana on this machine?

If it was installed from a package, please specify the repository from which
you got the package.

  1. What do the following two commands output when run as root?

grafana-cli -v

grafana-server -v



Hi, There was clearly a serious issue as the cli wasn’t working. I removed and reinstalled from scratch and this solved the problem. Thanks David