No; I’m saying that the request / expectation doesn’t make sense.
Suppose you take measurements of something every 10 minutes.
At 15:10 the reading is 3
At 15:20 the reading is 4
At 15:40 the reading is 7
That means the measurement for 15:30 is missing, in which case Grafana can:
a) join 4 to 7 with a straight line
b) show 0 for the missing value
c) show nothing for the missing value
Which of those is does is determined by what you’ve selected for the
“connected” option.
Now the time is 15:52, so the 15:50 value is clearly missing.
What is Grafana supposed to do?
a) it can’t join 7 to anything, because there’s nothing to join it to
b) it could show 0, but that might be wrong, if the 15:50 measurement appears
in the database sometime later
c) it could show nothing, which is what it actually does, on the basis that
there’s no information telling it what else would make sense.
Let me turn the question around: what would you expect Grafana to do at 15:52
for the missing 15:50 value?
Supplementary: what happens at 15:53 when the measurement turns up late?