What Grafana version and what operating system are you using? Running v8.0.1 on linux
What are you trying to achieve?
We are receiving metrics from SonarQube and I wish to display “worst X projects” code-coverage. Code coverage is represented as percentage of lines covered, and 100.0 is best, while zero is worst. Promql is “topk(10, min_over_time(sonarqube_coverage[${__range_s}s]))” -
How are you trying to achieve it?
What happened?
Result is giving me values around 96.0 - 100.0 -
What did you expect to happen?
Can you copy/paste the configuration(s) that you are having problems with?
Did you receive any errors in the Grafana UI or in related logs? If so, please tell us exactly what they were.
Did you follow any online instructions? If so, what is the URL?
welcome to the forum, @jaff
sorry, but not sure exactly what the problem is here. Maybe you can share a screenshot or a sample of your data? It sounds like your getting data into the panel and now you want to visualize it, yes?
A single query to our sonarqube server produced 155 rows, of which this is a sample:
sonarqube_coverage{key="devicebindingservice",name="DBS",} 60.8
sonarqube_coverage{key="drm-ppv-cooker",name="drm-ppv-cooker",} 86.5
sonarqube_coverage{key="drm-ppv-prov",name="drm-ppv-prov",} 89.1
sonarqube_coverage{key="drm-vod-cooker_master",name="drm-vod-cooker",} 22.2
sonarqube_coverage{key="drm-vod-prov_master",name="drm-vod-prov",} 81.0
sonarqube_coverage{key="drmAccountAndDevicesCooker",name="drm-accountanddevices-cooker",} 76.0
sonarqube_coverage{key="drmAccountAndDevicesProv",name="drm-accountanddevices-prov",} 84.1
sonarqube_coverage{key="drmAuditAndSync",name="drm-audit-and-sync",} 86.0
sonarqube_coverage{key="drmConfiguration",name="drm-configuration",} 87.2
sonarqube_coverage{key="drmHouseKeeper",name="drm-house-keeper",} 64.0
sonarqube_coverage{key="drmLinearCooker",name="drm-linear-cooker",} 88.6
sonarqube_coverage{key="drmLinearProv",name="drm-linear-prov",} 84.1
sonarqube_coverage{key="excitement-rating-api_master",name="excitement-rating-api_master",} 59.2
sonarqube_coverage{key="feaccountstreamprocessor",name="feaccountstreamprocessor-container",} 41.7
sonarqube_coverage{key="fedevicestreamprocessor",name="fedevicestreamprocessor-container",} 38.0
sonarqube_coverage{key="hideItem",name="hideitem-service",} 68.8
sonarqube_coverage{key="idserver-dynamo",name="idserver-dynamo",} 54.1
sonarqube_coverage{key="idserver-local",name="idserver-local",} 46.1
Here’s a metrics query for the panel, and attached screen-shot for that query:
topk(5, min_over_time(sonarqube_coverage[${__range_s}s]))