Loki driver prevent some containers to start on reboot


Since I install loki driver in docker rootless daemon, some containers not restart on reboot. I have the error:

dockerd-rootless.sh[543]: time="2023-07-11T23:57:16.549694424+02:00" level=error msg="5ef8f956332b0e5259fdf500fa65c957d21692518b671bea0de982cf45ffa58c cleanup: failed to delete container from containerd: container \"5ef8f956332b0e5259fdf500fa65c957d21692518b671bea0de982cf45ffa58c\" in namespace \"moby\": not found"

I must restart docker to resolv the problem.

Why loki prevent some containers to start?
What can be done to circumvent the problem?

Thank you

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