Lucene query hits too large


I have an issue with the Lucene query of my Dashboard.
I created a variable in my dashboard, that retrieve the “source file name” attribut of each object.
Then i want to use this file name to display metrics that concern only the selected file.

I succeed to retrieve the file name in my variable

This variable used inside a vizualisation should return me a maximum of:

  • 174 results for janvier.xlsx file
  • 142 results for fevrier.xlsx file
  • 142 results for mars.xlsx file
  • 263 results for avril.xlsx file

But instead the attended result i have all objects returned, because the count result is equal to the size of the index: 721

What i don’t understand is that, i test this before on another index, and it worked well.

Try to give double quote:

source_file: “$source_file”. This is because you use keyword and the keyword contain “.” (dot)

Fadjar Tandabawana