Hello guys! Is there a possibility to show different decimal precision for legend values (Value, Percent) for pie chart?
- What Grafana version and what operating system are you using?
Hello guys! Is there a possibility to show different decimal precision for legend values (Value, Percent) for pie chart?
Hi @piotrw and welome to the Grafana forum.
I do not think what you are asking is possible (no option that I am aware of).
I also have to mention that your annotated screenshot is among the best ever! Your question is crystal clear.
Thank you for fast reply and for compliement, I try to do my best, the better it is described the better chance for somebody to answer
By the way, FYI, manipulating with Unit and Decimals helped me in similiar problem, where I needed percents with 1 decimal and value without decimals:
But above can’t help with problem from first post.
Anyway, all the best!