Hi guys, I’m just getting started with Grafana having installed TeslaMate. Think the UI and possible customisations are brilliant but I’m having trouble finding the documentation for and getting basic variables working. I know my way around the basics of HTML5, CSS, PHP, MySQL and a bit of jS but the small differences are giving me a headache! And as with most things like this, it either works or it doesn’t, there’s no ‘half output’.
In a dashboard I’ve set 3 variables which all preview the desired output, these being:
$miles = SELECT convert_km(odometer, ‘$length_unit’) FROM positions WHERE car_id = $car ORDER BY date desc limit 1;
$chargecost = SELECT sum(cost) FROM charging_processes WHERE car_id = $car;
$dieselcost = SELECT convert_km(odometer, ‘$length_unit’) * 0.15 FROM positions WHERE car_id = $car ORDER BY date desc limit 1;
So far so good. But then creating a panel, I set the query to simply $miles for example, and I get the error ** pq: syntax error at or near “662.2149769470715” **. This is the value of the variable so am I calling the variable incorrectly? From the documentation I’ve seen it should just be as simple as $miles.
For another panel I’d want $dieselcost - $chargecost to show fuel savings. Any considerations with doing a sum?
Thanks in advance and sorry for the noob question, I’m sure it’s a simple answer.