So I am trying to load test a webpage (on k6 cloud), and I noticed that half the requests are generating a 200 response code, and the other half a 301 response code. I have two questions regarding this…
Why is this happening?
How does it affect the average response time metric?
Sorry for the basic question, I’m fairly new to this
301 literally means that you were redirected, common reasons why are: lack of “www.” in front or “/” at the end … or w/e else was configured on the server you use. This can also be after a POST request or something like that.
This is usually easy to spot looking at the URLs (and methods) in the web UI.
I don’t know about the average as that depends on whether there is a difference between the response time for the 301 and the 200 - if there isn’t - there is no difference ;). But you are making one more request than needed if all it is happening is that you are being redirected from to or something like that.