I have a database with daily points of a number of values. In MySQL this would be a basic table. These points are generated using a continuous query. If I do a basic select * from . I see the daily data and fields - results at the bottom.
Now, I want a really simple Grafana time series plot of the days and the actual values.
When I try to create the query the “from” is ok and the “select” offers me the field I want. The “group by” is the problem as I just want the one value per day.
The SQL looks like this:
SELECT “MaxUp_Mbps” FROM “Summary_Data_INF”.“summaries” WHERE $timeFilter GROUP BY time(1h) fill(none)
I have other dashboards working ok where I do use max/min etc but this one is just the date I want to show.
Is it possible to do this in Grafana?
name: summaries
time AvgAttDn_db AvgAttUp_db AvgDnSnr_db AvgDn_Mbps AvgUpSnr_db AvgUp_Mbps MaxAttDn_db MaxAttUp_db MaxDn_Mbps MaxUpSnr_db MaxUp_Mbps MinAttDn_db MinAttUp_db MinDnSnr_db MinDn_Mbps MinUpSnr_db MinUp_Mbps TripTime_ms
2020-06-06T00:02:00Z 30.2 0 5.3 9.24 6.84 1.24 30.2 0 9.4 7 1.24 30.2 0 4.8 8.99 6.7 1.24
2020-06-07T00:02:00Z 30.2 0 5.4 9.31 6.85 1.24 30.2 0 9.51 7 1.24 30.2 0 5.1 9.14 6.7 1.24
2020-06-08T00:02:00Z 30.2 0 5.3 9.25 6.79 1.24 30.2 0 9.52 7 1.24 30.2 0 4.6 8.87 6.6 1.24
2020-06-09T00:02:00Z 30.2 0 5.4 9.31 6.75 1.24 30.2 0 9.46 7 1.24 30.2 0 4.9 9.03 6.6 1.24
2020-06-10T00:02:00Z 30.29 0 6.05 9.16 6.91 1.23 30.3 0 9.5 7.1 1.24 30.2 0 5.2 8.94 6.8 1.23
2020-06-11T00:02:00Z 30.11 0 6.57 9.44 7.51 1.15 30.3 0 9.69 7.7 1.23 30.1 0 6 9.03 7 1.15 56.66