I have bar chart that every bar shows 3 status from query, the metric itself looks like that:
data{created="2017-08-03 08:29:58.645000", instance=“x.x.x.x:9000", job=“data-exporter", project=“TEST", state="OPEN", user=“admin”}
So in one bar i can see with diffrent color how many open\closed\declined for each user.
Now i want to add a variable filter so it will show me users state count only if the value of metric is less then 30 , so the value here is 380.28 but it doesn’t work.
this is my query:
count by(user, state) (rate(data{project="$project", state=~"CLOSED|OPEN|DECLINED"}[1h]))
my transforms:
Have tried
count by(user, state) (rate(data{project="$project", state=~"CLOSED|OPEN|DECLINED"}[1h] < 30))
count by(user, state) (rate(data{project="$project", state=~"CLOSED|OPEN|DECLINED"}[1h]) < 30)
count by(user, state) (rate(data{project="$project", state=~"CLOSED|OPEN|DECLINED"}[1h])) < 30
nothing works properly.
I have another graph with only
data{project="$project", state="CLOSED"} < 30
and it works fine