Alert folder deleted, but Alert still running,

Hallo All,

i deleted a Alert Folder , but i still receiving Firing notification.

i’m using Grafana V.9.3; InfluxDB

where can i find the deleted folder?
how can i find the deledet folder?

thank you

Hi @kabs , deleting a folder that has an alert associated with it fails with a yellow warning and it should not delete the alerts nor the folder.
Could you please share the detailed steps for reproducing your issue? thank you!

Just adding that I also have the same issue which I posted here

how did you delete this folder? from the ui?

That’s correct @soniaaguilar

Could you please reproduce steps and share screenshots , in particular when you are deleting the folder that contains alert rules? Because, as I said before, if the folder that has an alert associated with it fails with a yellow warning and it should not delete the alerts nor the folder.

Hi @soniaaguilar,
It’s been awhile since I did the cleanup but the alarm I deleted via UI would not be in an alerting state as it relates to disk space and only now is the limit being hit.

So it’s pretty much:

  1. Locate alarm in alerting UI
  2. Delete alarm (not in an alert state)
  3. Wait until threshold is breached to alert

Note I cannot find the alarm via the UI, hitting api/v1/provisioning/alert-rules/IkZWM1M4z does give back the alert configuration, sending a DELETE does indeed remove it.

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