Auto-refresh lower than 5s

After I update the Grafana I cant set Auto-refresh interval lower than 5s.
Why they made that change and is there any way to make it lower than 5s?

After I update the Grafana I cant set Auto-refresh interval lower than 5s.

See the changelog for version 7:

“Dashboard: A global minimum dashboard refresh interval is now enforced and
defaults to 5 seconds.”

Why they made that change and is there any way to make it lower than 5s?

I don’t know why - hopefully a developer can asnwer that - but I too would
like this change to be reverted.


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I really hope they change it back allowing us to set 1s interval at least.


Do I need to edit this file or can I configure it through the Grafana UI?
Where Can I find the config file?

I would recommend to start with doc:

I edited the grafana.ini and it not worked.
First, there was no min_refresh_interval variable.
So I inserted a new one and set the value to 1s
min_refresh_interval = 1s
Save the file and configured the Auto-refresh in the dashboard configuration UI to 1s,5s,10s but when I open the menu the 1s doesn’t show.

Which version you are on? As it works on 6.7.2

It certainly does work in 6.7.2, but see the changelog for version 7:

“Dashboard: A global minimum dashboard refresh interval is now enforced and
defaults to 5 seconds.”

(Personally, I hope this restriction gets removed, but I have no information
about why it was thought to be a good idea to introduce it.)



Problem solved.
I use Linux and DietPi on a Raspberry Pi 3.
Guide for inexperience users like me.
You have to edit the /etc/grafana/grafana.ini using the command: nano /etc/grafana/grafana.ini
Then you have to look for the [dashboards] section and ADD a new line with: min_refresh_interval = 1s
You can use 1s or 100ms and other values.
Thanks all the helped me on the topic.

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I’ve tried all solutions proposed here without results. I’m using Grafana 8.1.
I found the solution for this version. You need to create an Environment Variable

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this has no sense,
why we need environment variable when natural settings are located into grafana.ini ?