Hello, i succesfully building Grafana from sources and it running using “./bin/grafana-server”, my question is how to make this Grafana auto start when booting and how to make it as services, so i can start it just by using “sudo service grafana-server start” or via systemd.
I’m still newbie using Linux, so need some help here, thanks.
or if you need it for centos/redhar Linux: http://docs.grafana.org/installation/rpm/
Start Grafana by running:
sudo service grafana-server start
This will start the grafana-server
process as the grafana
user, which was created during the package installation. The default HTTP port is 3000
and default user and group is admin
Default login and password admin
/ admin
To configure the Grafana server to start at boot time:
sudo update-rc.d grafana-server defaults
Start the server (via systemd)¶
To start the service using systemd:
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl start grafana-server
systemctl status grafana-server
Enable the systemd service so that Grafana starts at boot.
sudo systemctl enable grafana-server.service
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