Found a small bug on the value at the tip of the bar, when I change the time range the value doesn’t update
It’s not really an issue for me I just hid the value and people can read of the scale.The left Pie chart is the same data for reference and the bar is correct just showing 3 instead of 120 after time range increase
Do you think you could reproduce this bug with mocked up data? Def seems like a bug but it would be awesome to have steps for reproduction, and your data seems sensitive…
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Yeah sure, not really sensitive but just don’t want it public!
I’m just after getting a plot is not defined error while trying to replicate
I’ve copied the query to B with some changes in Panel options and A is no changes to options just sql into the query and set to Table and Bar Chart
And if I change the time range, or the TopX it will fail like below
Just a note the SQL for the Bar Chart and Pie Chart on left are the same
CASE WHEN [FailReason] IS NULL THEN 'Blank'
ELSE [FailReason]
END AS 'FailReason'
,COUNT(PKID) as 'Failed Tests'
FROM [tbl_Tests]
WHERE [TestStatus] NOT IN ( 'Pass' )
AND [testExecutedAt] BETWEEN $__timeFrom() AND $__timeTo()
AND [TestStationID] IN ( $Station )
GROUP BY [FailReason]
And the Unique fails is just a distinct count of Serial number of production parts through tester
But the point I’m getting at is the Bar Chart seems to be the problem but with a reload of the page or going into view or edit, it resets until it errors again
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Hi @mattabrams,
This was solved with update to 8.1.5
( Was on 8.1.4 with the error message and 8.1.2 at the start of thread )
Issue closed on Github
Bar graph does not display correct numerical value · Issue #38410 · grafana/grafana · GitHub
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