Can not connect to external data source

can not connect to external data source
error : Query failed. Please inspect Grafana server log for details

  1. Which version of Grafana are you using?

  2. Which external data source are you trying to connect to?

  3. What connection parameters have you set up for this data source?

  4. What does the Grafana server log tell you about the failure to connect?

  5. Can you make a manual connection from the Grafana server to the data

  6. Any other information which might be useful for us to understand your


  1. Which version of Grafana are you using?
    Version 6.4.3

  2. Which external data source are you trying to connect to?
    My SQL

  3. What connection parameters have you set up for this data source?
    Host : IP:port
    Database : my database name
    User : my database username
    Password : my database password

  4. What does the Grafana server log tell you about the failure to connect?
    Query failed. Please inspect Grafana server log for details

  5. Can you make a manual connection from the Grafana server to the data

  6. Any other information which might be useful for us to understand your

  1. What connection parameters have you set up for this data source?
    Host : IP:port
    Database : my database name
    User : my database username
    Password : my database password
  1. Can you make a manual connection from the Grafana server to that data

(Telnet 3306 if you don’t have the MySQL client installed)

  1. What does the Grafana server log tell you about the failure to connect?
    Query failed. Please inspect Grafana server log for details

You mean the Grafana server log tells you to look at the Grafana server log
for more details?

Which log file are you looking at to see this?


My question, how to connect external data source with MySQL.

Hello ! I’m in the same situation. Did you get a solution ?

Welcome @daisychain

Has the grafana user been given proper permissions on the mysql server?