Hi Team,
Can we inegrate Grafana with IBM Db2 datasource. I could not find any plugin for the same.
Could you please suggest. It would be great help
Thanks in advance.
Hi Team,
Can we inegrate Grafana with IBM Db2 datasource. I could not find any plugin for the same.
Could you please suggest. It would be great help
Thanks in advance.
Hi Sham,
I see there is a plugin in the below link.
However, I am seeing some problems. when I was trying to set up at Data Sources / IBM Db2 Event Store
IBM Db2 Event Store plugin failed
TypeError: Cannot read property ‘name’ of undefined
Thanks Buddy,
. I have grafana running on Windows setup n DB2 on Linux setup.
Just need suggestion, do we need to install grafana client on Db2 server to get it done, How to configure to point to grafana GUI . Let me also try and update it to you.
Hi Shyam,
I am not sure how the Grafana Windows UI looks like if it is the same as WebUI,
Follow these steps:
go to Grafana UI on Configuration --> Plugin --> Add IBM Db2 Event Store(if you follow httpsgithub.com/IBMProjectEventStore/db2eventstore-grafana) you can add this plugin. , once it is added.
Now go to Configuration–> Data Sources/ IBM Db2 Event Store – at here you need to add DB2 Connection settings.
Also make sure the firewall is enabled from your Windows to DB2.
Thanks, There is no DB2 plugin(db2-event-store) in grafana plugins while trying to check n install.
Could you help me on that for getting db2-event-store-grafana plug in . I will try to install and see if it works.
check at this
github dot com/IBMProjectEventStore/db2eventstore-grafana ( portal not allowing to add HTTP link I have added github dot com, replace word dot )
You will see
Sorry for late response. The pproble is still not solved… Need your support if you be available.
Status is same. Unable to view APM DB2 database event source even aftre added in plugin.