Cannot set required precision in Stat panel

I can’t set the required precision in my Grafana Stat panel:

  • current format: €-1.012K
  • required format: €-1012.97

In the original Singlestat panel, I could circumvent this issue by using a “€” prefix but Stat doesn’t seem to offer this flexibility or any other workaround. Grafana 8.4.7

Any known workaround?

could you please post sample data coming from the data source?


Even with latter data I was only able to set it as -1012.97 using Unit / Standard Options/Unit/Locale Format. But then you lose the euro currency.

Not sure if this is what you mean: data straight from the query inspector:


Obviously a different (later) value than before. The key problem is that Grafana converts the number to use thousands with the symbol “K”.

This should be rendered as €-1048.38 and not €-1.048K

Any possibility to solve this problem?