Can't create Alert via API 9.3.2

Hi guys! I’m using Grafana Version 9.3.2 (commit: 21c1d14e91, branch: HEAD) on Debian 11 and I
have any questions.
I need to create an alert using api, but my attempts are unsuccessful.
I’m getting a message {"message":"Not found"} , after sending a request to my domain
I’m using the next body for my POST requsets

  "annotations": {
    "summmary": "test text"
  "condition": "B",
  "data": [
      "refId": "B",
      "queryType": "",
      "relativeTimeRange": {
        "from": 0,
        "to": 0
      "datasourceUid": "IW8l57c7z",
      "model": {
        "conditions": [
            "evaluator": {
              "params": [
              "type": "gt"
            "operator": {
              "type": "and"
            "query": {
              "params": [
            "reducer": {
              "type": "sum"
        "intervalMs": 1000,
        "maxDataPoints": 43200,
        "refId": "B",
        "type": "classic_conditions"
  "execErrState": "Error",
  "folderUID": "OR2riNo4z",
  "id": "",
  "labels": {
    "alertname": "alert-test-api"
  "noDataState": "OK",
  "orgID": 1,
  "ruleGroup": "alert-test-api",
  "title": "alert-test-api",
  "uid": "0",
  "for": "0"

The dashboard is present, but the api alert cannot be created. Am I doing something wrong or in the wrong order?
I would be grateful for a hint! :slight_smile:
instructions taken from here

Alerting Provisioning HTTP API | Grafana documentation