Hi everyone,
i have a question regarding the geomap panel.
with my Longitude and Latitude as a _field. After importing my data to grafana it wont visualize my points with the geomap plugin. My values for longitude and latitude have the format of xx.xxxxxx.
I attached 3 pictures (2 from my grafana interface and 1 cutout from my csv file which the data is from)
Looking forward to any help
Greetings and have a great week
welcome to the forum, @ludwigsiebzehnruebl
I’m still very new to Geomap myself, but I would check out this example on play:
the one thing that I notice: that example is visualizing a single table. But your flux query is returning multiple tables: I can see the select box at the bottom of the table:
Have you tried experimenting with some of the built-in transformations like merge
maybe getting all your data into one table is important to the Geomap’s data model? Just a thought…
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Hey there Matt,
thx for the reply i will give it a try and give u an update if i could solve it with your annotation.
Update: It worked. I just had to merge my provided data afterwards the geomap plugin was working. A big thank you again Matt