I have a problem to configure my grafana dashboard correctly. I read data from an influxDB datasource where there are 2 tables (or measurements), called foo and greeting. Over a time window of 1 minute, these tables contains 600 entries each evenly distributed. This mean that for each second, there are 10 entries in each table, which gives a total of 20 entries per second.
I want to design one query that shows a series over that minute with the Y axis value equal to 20.
I’ve tried many kinds of queries but the result is either that the chart becomes empty, or that it shows a notification for some error that is occuring.
See my query below:
select fcount + gcount from (SELECT count(“value”) as fcount FROM foo WHERE $timeFilter GROUP BY time(1s) fill(null)), (SELECT count(“value”) as gcount FROM greeting WHERE $timeFilter GROUP BY time(1s) fill(null))
This gives me an empty chart. If I just use “select fcount” or “select gcount” they show the respective count value 10.
How can I achieve what I want?