Hi all,
first i need to say that i know grafana now for about 1 week. During this week i worked every day with it to get familiar with its functions. To summarize it: i love it!
I’m running grafana together with Telegraf and InfluxDB.
In Telegraf i have configured the ping plugin to ping a machine in the network every 30 seconds.
As result i have the values returned from the pings in the database.
Some background:
- the machine i’m pinging is switch on and off manually
- after the machine is switched on and is replying to pings, it still needs some time to be ready to work with
- after replying to pings the machine after switch on the first time the machine takes about 3 to 5 minutes to be ready
- so I defined, that the machine is ready after 10 minutes
This gives the following list of states:
- No ping replay: machine off/not ready (not ready)
- Replying to ping, but since less than 10 minutes: machine on, but not ready (starting)
- Replying to ping and since at least 10 minutes: machine on and ready (ready)
I know that such procedure depends absolutely on the processes of the machine itself.
But in this case we accept this.
To offer a really easy to understand visualisation i’m thinking about the following:
- using a SingleStat panel for showing the states “not ready”, “starting”, “ready”
- in addition to the written state i would like to color the background accordingly (red, orange, green)
My idea is to use the result code of the ping (0 = success, 1 = no replay, 2 = other errors). Calculating the average of the result code over 10 minutes gives the following too me:
- value = 0: macchine is ready (replies to ping since at least 10 minutes)
- 0 < value < 1: machine on, but not ready
- 1 <= value: machine is not ready
My current query:
SELECT mean(“result_code”) FROM “telegraf”.“autogen”.“ping” WHERE (“url” = ‘’) GROUP BY time(10m) fill(null)
The only thing that is not like i need it is the average value between 0 and 1.
To differe if the machine was ‘off and is not starting’ or if the machine was ‘on and is now off’ i would need to have look an the derivation.
But here i’m on the point i don’t know how to do that.
I hope everybody understands what i have written.
Thank you very much.
Best regards