Hello Everyone,
I am pretty new to Grafana and this is my first post.
I am trying to configure Grafana in my customer’s AWS env.
Grafana is installed on Ubuntu OS.
The Grafana works fine if the server has got access to internet, however the env is a very restrictive env and hence the requirement is grafana server should not access internet directly, there is a HTTP Proxy server and it can be used to connect to internet. I tried configuring the HTTP_PROXY in the startup scripts of grafana and restarted the service multiple times but still Grafana expects the URL to be accessible directly and not going via HTTP proxy.
Grafana fails to create cloudwatch datasource with the below error.
Is there any way by which i can let the grafana server access the cloudwatch URL via HTTP proxy or any other method by which it can access the cloudwatch without having direct access to internet?
"msg=“Metric request error” logger=context userId=1 orgId=1 uname=admin error=“Failed to call ec2:getAwsConfig, RequestError: send request failed\ncaused by: Post https://sts.amazonaws.com/: dial tcp i/o timeout”