Configure link alerts

Is there a way to configure the link that we receive in the alerts templates in order to forward to its graph? I’ve been the option to change localhost to my domain so I want to go to the alert graph.

Thanks in advance!

you can set grafana servers ini setting root_url to the public facing url of your grafana, this is used when generating links in alert emails so the link will point to your grafana url

Thanks @torkel It’s work fine!

I want to configure my email alerts in such a way we can get the dashboard link to the alert itself. Any idea on how to do it?

Hi @shinydhas,

You can do this by editing your grafana.ini file and under the section named as [server]


set the value for the config parameter root_url

to something like this e.g.

root_url =

Then, restart the grafana service and see the new alerts.

Once you click on the source button,

It will take you to the defined server instead of localhost.

Hope this helps.