I have installed Grafana as helm chart in A Kubernetes cluster. I am trying to set up property viewers_can_edit as “true”. I am using Grafana 9.0.5. I tried to set up this property under “grafana.ini” section in “values.yaml” file and overriding env variables. But, when I try to install the pod, the init container “init-chown-data” within the pod stuck with state “waiting” with reason “PodInitializing”. If I disable this container from “values.yaml” of Helm chart, the subsequent containers grafana, grafana-sc-dashboards and grafana-sc-datasources stuck in “waiting” state with reason “ContainerCreating”. However, the property is properly setup in Grafana ConfigMap properly after deployment. No logs are available anywhere to diagnose it.
Could anyone please assist me with any suggestion?