I’ve signed up with Grafana Cloud, and am currently trying to connect it to my Postgres RDS DB using SSL.
I’ve opened up the Grafana Cloud IPs using this link: List of source IPs to allowlist | Grafana Cloud documentation
It seems to connect and there is no timeout so I presume I’m sorted on the IP front, but when I execute a query I get a message:
“db query error: stat /var/lib/grafana/tls/{filenameRemoveJustIncaseItIsSecret}generatedTLSCerts/client.key: no such file or directory”
In the connection settings in Grafana, I’ve configured the host, database, password and:
TLS/SSL Mode: verify-ca
TLS/SSL Method: Certificate Content
TLS/SSL Client Certificate: Copied in the pem file content from here: Using SSL/TLS to encrypt a connection to a DB instance - Amazon Relational Database Service
TLS/SSL Client Key: I’ve left this blank
I assume my error is down to not putting in a value for TLS/SSL Client Key, but does anyone know where I get this from?
Thanks for your help.