Using the following metric query in Grafana (as a Time Seres)
count_values("build",jenkins_job_last_build{project="$project",jobname="$jobname"}) by (userName)
Produces the following Result set for me:
UserName Count
{build="1364",userName="Fred"} 75
{build="1360",userName="Fred"} 2
{build="1357",userName="Fred"} 1
{build="1353",userName="BIll"} 5
{build="1352",userName="BIll"} 2
However I’m trying to produce a table that shows the number of builds for each user such that I would have:
UserName Count
Fred 3
BIll 2
I’ve tried playing with the “Tables series aggregations” and wrapping sum, count, count_values around the query above but no luck so far.
Could anyone give me any pointers please?