Create panel with sumarized values from two different queries/datasources

Hi People, I’m newbie on Grafana, and I started to build my dashboards. It’s a great tool!
Currently I have the following requirement, and i would need your help in order to solve it

Every day My team adds worked time values in two different software tools. Both tools use 2 different MySQL databases.

Currently I built two differente panels:
Panel 1: Worked time (on currently week) for each co-worker from tool 1 (Database 1)
It’s a graph bar with 2 columns: Co-worker | Worked time

Panel 2: Worked time (on currently week) for each co-worker from tool 2 (Database 2)
It’s a graph bar with 2 columns: Co-worker | Worked time

What I need? I would need to sumarize both worked time (from two different databases) in the same panel but I dont understand how to accomplish that.

I have attached two bar graphs that I need to sumarize

The Query from database 1 (an example)

now() as time,
ROUND(SUM(tr.timespent / 3600 ),2) as WorkedTime,
tr.creatorstaffname as metric
FROM [Database1].swtickets t …

The Query from database 2 (an example)
now() as time,
ROUND(SUM(p.timespent / 3600 ),2) as WorkedTime,
p.creatorstaffname as metric
FROM [Database2].projects p …

Thanks in advance!!!

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Please!, I didtn’t receive any feedback. Anyone who can help me?
