I’m trying to simply display the cumulative sum of my rain gauge over a certain periode of time.
The rain gauge has a 5min resolution , that i would like to see over one 1hour
As you can see on the graphs , the cumulative sum almost work but never goes back to zero when it doesn’t rain
I tried a non negative difference with a distinct and a sum function . In both case i was expecting something different:
Foa a SUM i’don’t understand why it goes to 0 between 6am and 7 am test-Grafana-Mozilla-Firefox-2 — ImgBB
(I was expecting a 4) because the rain gauge has counted 4 times
ui, this is looking strange, i use this formula
SELECT (2* non_negative_difference(last(“value”))) FROM “factory1.throughput22.porkhalves.inc” WHERE $timeFilter GROUP BY time(1d)