- What Grafana version and what operating system are you using?
Grafana v.9.5.1, Ubuntu
- What are you trying to achieve?
Restore my Dashboard
After update of Grafana (Long gap) Dashboard has An unexpected error happened
I am not that familiar with Grafana, and my little bit of search did not revel much of resolution. I tried restarting the server and also tried to open in another browser but was not able to resolve.
I am not able to even get into setting page of the dashboard.
Need help please.
What version was it and what version did you upgrade it to?
New Version is 9.5.1, earlier version I am not sure but the template I used was from 6.2.5
did you tried following the update guide?,
the first error says something about one specific plugin, try to run the command to update the plugins…
between versions there may be changes or features that were deprecated or needs to be enabled using some custom settings, I don’t know If that may break your dashboards.
I’ll try to update the plugins, or maybe roll back to your previous version and make some gradual changes, or you could just install a new instance of Grafana and just export your dashboards as Json file then import them to the new one.
to add to what @fercasjr said, the best approach that has always worked for me (in addition to not jumping from a smaller to a higher version) is to install the new one in different folder, start the new grafana service, then stop it, copy the whole data folder from the old one to the new one.
start the new grafana you copied into and see what happens.
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Thank you for pointing me to right direction. The Clock plugin was the culprit here, once updated the plugin it started working