December 29, 2021, 6:36pm
I’m making a dashboard from InfluxDb2 and so far is ok, my current problem is that my network traffic is not calculated to K,M, etc. I was searching for this issue and it is supposed to be a “Data” unit type, but it isn’t in my options.
Here is a capture of the options that I have:
Do I have to install something else?
December 29, 2021, 10:52pm
Welcome to the community, you don’t need to install anything, are you unable to find the data type ?
Please check this discussion (goes back 7 years) but still relevant with screenshots.
opened 07:51AM - 30 Oct 14 UTC
There are tools that report metrics in Giga / Mega / Kilo rather than its basi… c units.
In the above picture I have a WebLogic HEAP metric reported in Mbytes.
When creating dashboards , I have to choose "none" as format for this metrics. When done I have lost units on legend and tooltip And I should to add units at the title to understand what we are seeing.
By adding this new Formats I expect to have units at legend and tootltip
Thank you very much.
Hope it helps.
Good Luck