I have a bad feeling I will feel really stupid when someone tells me what I’m doing wrong.
I have pretty simple out of the box default install running on Kubernetes (k3s). It works great. I have configured the compactor with the following settings:
retention_enabled: true
retention_delete_delay: 3m
compaction_interval: 3m
delete_request_cancel_period: 3m
deletion_mode: filter-and-delete
And then I hit it with the following command to delete some logs:
curl -g -X POST 'http://loki.goepp.net/loki/api/v1/delete?query={app_kubernetes_io_name="traefik"}&start=1672358400&end=1672401459'
I can see the request created:
curl -X GET 'http://loki.goepp.net/loki/api/v1/delete'
But then nothing. I did this a few days ago and nothing ever happened. I deleted the request and submitted again today, still nothing.
I’m missing something obvious aren’t I? Ideas?