Hi there,
I wanna build my own datasource to show data in a grafana graph. Now, I testing de fake simple json in grafana, to figure out how the things work behind the scenes. I have this code:
query(options) {
var query = this.buildQueryParameters(options);
query.targets = query.targets.filter(t => !t.hide);
if (query.targets.length <= 0) {
return this.q.when({data: []});
console.log('query Return: ');
console.log(this.doRequest({url: this.url + '/query',data: query,method: 'POST'}));
var teste = this.doRequest({
url: this.url + '/query',
data: query,
method: 'POST'
console.log('teste Return: ');
return teste;
And, I receive that return :
How can I acess the teste.$$state.value.data[“0”].datapoints[“0”] for example?
If I tried to acess teste or teste.$$state, thats ok. But wheh I try teste.$$state.pur or any atributtes in the teste.$$state tree I got an undefined response.