I’ve been playing with grafana for a few days and I am facing a dilemma
How could I make the difference between the minimum of the next hour and the minimum of the previous one?
I’ve a sensor counter (Energy), and till now i’m calculating kwh with this query:
SELECT (last(value)-first(value)) FROM Usage WHERE $timeFilter GROUP BY time(1h)
Generally it seems to be fine but sometimes there are cases like these:
As you can see, there is a difference, lost, between 19:41:38 (last value) and 20:00:34 (first value next hour).
So, I suppose, the best calculation should be between the first value of the hour and the first value of the next hour.
Use the InfluxDB subqueries. Inner query will calculate hourly mins and outer query will calculate their diffs.
But I would use more generic approach: calculate derivation (because you have counter) and then do a hourly sums (again task for subquery). Derivation of counter values is frequently asked question (especially for power measurements) also on this forum - just use search functionality for more discussions about this topic.
Hi @jangaraj,
thank you for your reply.
I’ve searched around in the forum but i’ve not found any example that’s right for me.
Could you provide me an example of query/subquery for my purpose?
I would appreciate it very much.
Thanks in advance!