That sort of works, except I have 5 total sensors. On one panel, I want the averages of 2 from outside and 2 from inside, and none from the basement one - not an average of all values.
Then in another panel, I have the results of each sensor.
And then below that, I have graphs showing the values of temperature and relative humidity over time.
I see how I could use the transform and arrange things a bit differently, but the main values I want to see are the average outside and average inside temperatures of areas I actually use - I could really just use one sensor from outside and inside rather than averages, but they vary some (especially inside).
Right now, I have this dashboard (truncated at the bottom):
Maybe you already know this, but you can create as many transformations as you wish.
For each transformation, you can select ONLY those queries that you wish to average. For example, you could select only Outside Front and Outside Rear and check Replace All Fields to clean up the panel.
OK, and then I see I can add 2 transforms - so I could just have 5 queries, and get the averages of 2 pairs.
If I could arrange the 7 results in one panel properly, that would work nicely (put the averages on top, and others below), but I don’t see a way to do that.
I could also just show the averages in the one panel. But do you know how show multiple fields? I can’t control click and don’t see how to do that - the “Fields” for the gauge options is only letting me select one value, even though it uses the plural “fields”, as: “select the fields that should be included in the panel”.