Edit: If I remove the user from Team A he gets the correct permissions in the dashboard (so I’d say this is at the very least inconsistent).
What will be the best way to handle a situation where different teams have dashboards inside the same folder and only especific teams should have access to edit/save specific dashboards?
Folder1 - all teams are viewers.
Dash1 - all teams are viewers.
Dash2 - team1 editors role, others are still viewers.
Dash3 - team1 and team2 are editors, others are still viewers.
I think the issue comes when team1 is viewer in the folder, team2 is editor in the dashboard and the user is part of both teams. (In this example team1 is a superset of team2).
Following your suggestion you say it will be better to not have this “team1” as a superset but better independent teams and give them all access to the folder?
I’ll try to be clearer here, since I think this is becoming hard to explain
Follow this having always in mind user1 is part of team1 and team2
From what I was able to test:
If dash1 has Team1 as viewer inherited from folder1 I can’t add the team explicitly to dashboard permissions (Grafana will throw an error, which makes sense).
If Team2 is viewer in folder1 and editor in folder1/dash1 user1 will be able to manage the dashboard and to save it
If in this situation I add Team1 as viewer in folder1 the user can still manage folder1/dashb1 but not save it
Again in this situation if I remove Team2 permissions from folder1, user1 can still manage folder1/dashb1 but not save it
As you explained Grafana can’t handle team aggreations (that’s the reason why user1 is in team1 and team2)
So this to me points to some issue on how Grafana is solving the permissions at the “save” time… not sure if this was clearer or just made things even more confusing
About second example, absolutely, because when you deleted permission for folder, you still have permission for dashboard. But because of 0 permission on folder where dashboard is, you cannot make any changes.
I think the decision is to make independent folders for each team.
Blowed my mind, actually.
Hope guys will invent a folders tree, so we could confuse each others a lot.