Dropdown menu to change dashboard

i’m new to grafana, and i’m configuring it for prometheus. i’m missing a small arrow to quickly change dashboard as you can see in that image (red arrow):

this is instead what i have :slight_smile:

any idea on how i can enable that dropdown menu? i’m using version 7.3.7 installed with docker.


I you really need that, then you have to downgrade to Grafana 6.x. But I would stick with current Grafana 7.x and I would learn to click on the dashboard title, which will give the same search dashboard functionality.

thanks for your answer.
wasn’t aware that the feature was remove from (improve in) grafana 7.


I ran into the same topic as well and couldn’t find this change in Releases · grafana/grafana · GitHub list
and Dashboards | Grafana Labs is also not up to date.