[Elastic-Search] - Group By shows values not part of the documents filtered by the query

Lucene query: RUN_TYPE.keyword:“SMOKE” AND SUITE_NAME.keyword:“test_subc_plv5.py”

This query results in the following document:
“_index” : “graf_demo_per_suite”,
“_type” : “_doc”,
“_id” : “C-RXk3cBxD9_jpdOOpC4”,
“_score” : 1.2039728,
“_source” : {
“Total Method” : 3,
“Total Case” : 3,
“Total Passed” : 0,
“Total Failed” : 3,
“Total Aborted” : 0,
“Total Skipped” : 0,
“Total Duration” : 0.81,
“TIME_ADDED” : “2021-02-04 18:05:03”,
“CENTRAL_VERSION” : “0.0.0”,
“GW_IMAGE” : “”,
“AP_IMAGE” : “”,
“SUITE_NAME” : “test_subc_plv.py”,
“TESTBED” : “c2cRegTb1”,
I am grouping by the AP_iMAGE.keyword. It is showing bars for other values of AP_IMAGE as well. I want bar of only the AP_IMAGE values filtered using the lucene query. What am I missing?


Can you try the filter query in the transform tab ?

Good Luck

The documents obtained using the above lucene query (Lucene query: RUN_TYPE.keyword:“SMOKE” AND SUITE_NAME.keyword:“test_subc_plv5.py”) is giving me document which has AP_IMAGE value to be Shouldn’t the bar chart show only that value?

In the transform tab when add by query I only get this.

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