Failed to get plugins repo from after upgrade

  • What Grafana version and what operating system are you using?
    I was using Grafana version 8.1.8 and I upgraded to version 8.5.14.

  • What are you trying to achieve?
    After upgrading, I see this error, which I’m trying to resolve:

logger=plugins.update.checker t=2023-02-02T13:55:34.19+0000 
lvl=dbug msg="Failed to get plugins repo from" 
error="Get \"[]
http: server gave HTTP response to HTTPS client

Any insights would be appreciated!

hi @ngalagali :wave:

can you give us more context about the plugins you have installed?

you can list your plugins and their version via the following command in grafana-cli

grafana-cli plugins ls

There are a bunch of plugins but I think somewhere in the code the HTTP response wasn’t expected. But I didn’t need to get plugin updates so I was able to stop this check by setting check_for_plugin_updates to false in the analytics section of the custom.ini file.

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