Can someone please tell me how I can break the line in legend formatting?
Recently HTML br was working, but after updating the Grafana version it stopped working as previously
Can someone please tell me how I can break the line in legend formatting?
Recently HTML br was working, but after updating the Grafana version it stopped working as previously
Hi @menvol3,
Thanks for opening this post.
Can you please tell us, which Panel visualisation you are using?
Hi @usman.ahmad
I’m experiencing an issue with legend formatting in Polystat plugin
Can you please provide the steps of reproduction so that the community can also try to reproduce it on a test machine?
Hi @menvol3
I will try to setup a test env. with polystat panel plugin enabled.
Can you please provide the step-by-setps details of reproduction so that me and also the community can also try to reproduce it on a test machine?