Hi, I’m trying to set up Grafana to use a Drupal site as the OAuth server.
- Go to my Grafana url
- Click on “Sign in with OAuth”
- It redirects me to the Drupal site.
- I log in on the Drupal site.
- I authorize the app if was not previously authorized.
- It redirects to my grafana url
- Grafana shows error: “login.OAuthLogin(get info from generic_oauth)”
Error I can see on the grafana log:
t=2020-01-16T15:54:26-0500 lvl=eror msg="login.OAuthLogin(get info from generic_oauth)" logger=context userId=0 orgId=0 uname= error="Error decoding user info JSON: json: cannot unmarshal array into Go value of type social.UserInfoJson"
Grafana configuration:
enabled = true
name = OAuth
allow_sign_up = false
scopes = gestor
client_id = [CLIENT_ID]
client_secret = [CLIENT_SECRET]
auth_url = https://example.com/oauth/authorize
token_url = https://example.com/oauth/token
api_url = https://example.com/api/me
email_attribute_path = [0].mail
role_attribute_path = contains([0].roles_target_id, 'Gestor') && 'Admin' || contains([0].roles_target_id, 'Cliente') && 'Viewer'
On the Drupal side I’m using simple_oauth module wich is based on the PHP Library League\OAuth2
The https://example.com/api/me I’ve cofigured in the Drupal site is a REST api point that prints the current user information (I’ve checked the JMESPath and seems to be ok):
[{"name":"username","roles_target_id":"Gestor, Cliente","mail":"user@example.com"}]
I do appreciate any guidance on how to troubleshoot this kind of error, I guess I’m missing some configuration somewhere.
Is maybe because the REST response is an array?
Thanks in advance !
PS: I made sure to have my grafana admin user and Drupal user with the same email.
Update: I’ve modified my Drupal response so it’s easier (less fields).