I am developing a data source plugin. I stumble upon this requirement of reading additional information in response header of an error response when query data.
As you may know, query method for data source plugin returns an Observable object, which is then managed by Grafana. It seems like for error response, it doesn’t get return to plugin, but get throw as an error right away.
My question is that is it possible to handle error responses 4xx or 5xx by the plugin itself and how to do it?
Can you share the code you are using to query your datasource? You should be able to use a try/catch in any method to request data and observe the results.
Below is portion of the code which have been reduced only for question. This is the query method in DataSource.ts.
Edit for additional info: I tried try/catch for the whole fetch method, but the error is still not managed in this try/catch.
// notice this now returns a promise instead of accepting a callback
// you can try/catch when calling this.fetchData
async fetchData(url: string, params?: string) {
const response = getBackendSrv().fetch<DataSourceResponse>({
url: `${this.baseUrl}${url}${params?.length ? `?${params}` : ''}`,
return lastValueFrom(response);
If you need to use the observable object iself you can see the rxjs documentation to catch errors catch / catchError - Learn RxJS
Keep in mind these observables are not managed by Grafana. They are all come from the library rxjs so it is best to consult their documentation.
Thank you for your quick and detailed response. I find that catchError is the answer to my problem.
Edit: Sorry. I was too quick in responding. This does give an idea to handle error, however what I actually need is the response headers of the request. With catchError, I can access to the body of response but not the headers.
Do you have an idea?
hi @vien if you don’t see it available then it is unlikely you can have access to the response in a frontend plugin. In such case then a backend plugin should be more suitable for your case.