Hey everyone,
I am running this query
using this grafana loki delete api reference :
curl -v -G -X POST ‘https:///loki/api/v1/delete’ --data-urlencode ‘query={job=“varlogs”} |~ failed|CMD
’ --data-urlencode ‘start=2023-06-13T14:38:45+00:00’ --data-urlencode ‘end=2023-06-14T14:38:45+00:00’ -u :
It is giving me the below screenshot error and not returning the result for the last 24 hours but, giving me the result for the last 2 days. could anyone know the reason behind this?
This is the error when I am running for the last 24 hours:
This is the error when I am running for the last 2 days: