I have the following JSON data provided by Loki:
There are multiple task logs per script (different “id”, but same “script”). I want to group by “script” and display all the different task runs over time on x-axis and the corresponding duration (see “data.stats.elapsed”) on y-axis. I want to display the name of script and not the taskId, so I guess I need some sort of subquery to make that look-up happen?
Here is what I got so far, but it obviously doesn’t group all the task runs by scripts:
sum by (task_id) (
avg_over_time({app="myapp", service="myservice"} | json task_id="data.taskId", elapsed="data.stats.elapsed" | unwrap elapsed [$__range])
Can anyone help me please getting this right? I am a beginner with Grafana and spent quite some time reading the docs already without getting really far.