Firstly, this is all new to me so sorry for all my dumb questions.
I have a Raspberry PI using Python code for collecting weather data and saving it to its SD in two forms, a single csv file and in daily jsons.dumps files, example structures below.
time, temp, humi, pres, lux
Tue Apr 7 10:35:00 2020, 20.5, 46.6, 1016.5, 2146.1
Tue Apr 7 10:40:00 2020, 20.6, 46.3, 1016.5, 2330.6
and the json 2020_116 file first few lines:
{“time”: “Fri Apr 24 23:59:56 2020”, “temp”: 20.3, “humi”: 51.9, “pres”: 1002.8, “lux”: 0.0}
{“time”: “Sat Apr 25 00:04:56 2020”, “temp”: 20.3, “humi”: 51.9, “pres”: 1002.8, “lux”: 0.0}
{“time”: “Sat Apr 25 00:09:56 2020”, “temp”: 20.3, “humi”: 51.8, “pres”: 1002.8, “lux”: 0.0}
{“time”: “Sat Apr 25 00:14:56 2020”, “temp”: 20.2, “humi”: 51.8, “pres”: 1002.7, “lux”: 0.0}
I wanted to use Grafana to visualise the results in real time so have installed it and InfluxDB on my PI.
I have created a blank Influx database called ‘piweather’ and successfully configured it as a data source in Grafana.
Now I am stuck!
What is the best way of linking all this together. My Python code, Influx and then Grafana?
Can I use one of my csv or json data sets directly? If so which would be better?
If I can’t should I modify my Python code to save the data in a better form?