Grafana 6.6+ doesn't show Zabbix plugin

Hello Friends, I had recently installed Grafana v6.6.2 (3fa63cfc34) and installed Zabbix plugin, but I am not able to see the Zabbix plugin/datasource on Grafana.
Does the new Grafana doesn’t support Zabbix Plugin?
If yes whats the alternative, how I can see that?

[root@grafana ~]# grafana-cli plugins install alexanderzobnin-zabbix-app
installing alexanderzobnin-zabbix-app @ 3.10.5
into: /var/lib/grafana/plugins

:heavy_check_mark: Installed alexanderzobnin-zabbix-app successfully

Restart grafana after installing plugins .

i met the same issue, is there other dependency?

I have the same problem and I can’t find any answers? We are on Sep/2020!

I have the same issues - even though the plug-in shows as ‘signed’ it didnt show up as a datasource when trying to update an existing datasource.
I found the fix to be adding the following to grafana.ini

allow_loading_unsigned_plugins = alexanderzobnin-zabbix-datasource

This shouldnt be needed as the plugin is signed but was the only thing I could get to work.


hi @jamestune,
i added allow_loading_unsigned_plugins = alexanderzobnin-zabbix-datasource in but still it is not showing in data source.

Thank you! It works!

Hi All,

Similar issue, happened again and getting below message in grafana log after upgrading to latest grafana (8.1.5) and Zabbix plugin (4.2.3)

t=2021-09-22T08:03:48+0000 lvl=eror msg="Could not find plugin definition for data source: alexanderzobnin-zabbix-datasource" t=2021-09-22T08:03:48+0000 lvl=eror msg="Could not find plugin definition for data source: alexanderzobnin-zabbix-datasource" t=2021-09-22T08:03:48+0000 lvl=eror msg="Could not find plugin definition for data source: alexanderzobnin-zabbix-datasource" t=2021-09-22T08:03:48+0000 lvl=eror msg="Could not find plugin definition for data source: alexanderzobnin-zabbix-datasource"

Any idea, how this can be fixed, the plugin is no more visible in Grafana GUI.

Running into this same issue right now? Did you find the fix? If not i will post an update once resolved.