We have just updated Grafana from Grafana 6.7 to Grafana 7.0.
We tried to Export a CSV data file from ‘Graph panel’. But it doesn’t work properly because Time column is in Timestamp format and not in Data format (YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss), in CSV file. We need to have Data format in CSV file.
How can we fix it?
@jangaraj Thank you!
I found this comment: https://github.com/grafana/grafana/issues/24517#issuecomment-631968351
So, they fill fix the bug in the upcoming versions, most probably 7.1.
Same here. I now have to educate my platform users to do a time conversion in a spreadsheet: =A2/86400000 + 25569 + 2/24 where 86400000 is the milliseconds in 1 day, 25569 is the offset for 1970/01/01 and 2/24 is the timezone offset. Less than ideal. Looking forward to the fix.
I believe the issue is that the system is only giving a few seconds worth of data when we attempt to “Inspect / Data”, so of course, when you do Save CSV is only saving whatever is in the new table. We need to be able able to export all data that is in the panel.
We need a fix ASAP. Please!